Index of values

( * ) [Sos.S]
( * ) [Polynomial.S]
( * ) [Matrix.S]

Same as mult.

( * ) [Lmi.S]
( * ) [Scalar.S]
( ** ) [Sos.S]
( ** ) [Polynomial.S]
( ** ) [Matrix.S]

Same as power.

( ** ) [Lmi.S]
( *. ) [Sos.S]
( *. ) [Polynomial.S]
( *. ) [Matrix.S]

Same as mult_scalar.

( *. ) [Lmi.S]
(!!) [Sos.S]
(!!) [Lmi.S]
(!) [Sos.S]
(!) [Polynomial.S]
(!) [Lmi.S]
(+) [Sos.S]
(+) [Polynomial.S]


(+) [Matrix.S]

Same as add.

(+) [Lmi.S]
(+) [Scalar.S]
(-) [Sos.S]
(-) [Polynomial.S]


(-) [Matrix.S]

Same as sub.

(-) [Lmi.S]
(-) [Scalar.S]
(/) [Sos.S]
(/) [Polynomial.S]

p / c is equivaent to mult_scalar (Coeff.div c) p.

(/) [Scalar.S]
(/.) [Sos.S]
(/.) [Polynomial.S]

c1 /. c2 is equivaent to !c1 / c2.

(<) [Scalar.S]
(<=) [Sos.S]

e1 <= e2 is just syntactic sugar for e2 - e1.

(<=) [Lmi.S]

e1 <= e2 is just syntactic sugar for e2 - e1.

(<=) [Scalar.S]
(<>) [Scalar.S]
(=) [Scalar.S]
(>) [Scalar.S]
(>=) [Sos.S]

e1 >= e2 is just syntactic sugar for e1 - e2.

(>=) [Lmi.S]

e1 >= e2 is just syntactic sugar for e1 - e2.

(>=) [Scalar.S]
(~-) [Sos.S]
(~-) [Polynomial.S]

Unary minus, ~- p is syntactic sugar for sub zero p.

(~-) [Matrix.S]

Same as minus.

(~-) [Lmi.S]
(~-) [Scalar.S]
(~:) [Matrix.S]

Same as transpose.

(~:) [Lmi.S]
?? [Sos.S]
?? [Polynomial.S]


add [Sos.S]
add [Scalar.M]
add [Polynomial.S]
add [Matrix.S]

Matrix addition.

add [Lmi.S]
add [LinExpr.S]
block [Matrix.S]

block a returns the block matrix corresponding to the array a.

block [Lmi.S]
block_diag_of_sparse [Sdp]
block_diag_to_sparse [Sdp]
check [Sos.S]

If check ?options e ?values (v, Q) returns true, then e is SOS.

check [Posdef]

Takes as input a square matrix of Q.t of size nxn and returns 1 if it manages to prove that the matrix is symmetric positive definite and 0 otherwise (i.e.

check [Lmi.S]

If check ?options e ?values returns true, then e is positive semi-definite (PSD).

check_PSD [Posdef]

Same as check_complete but returns true iff the input is positive *semi*definite (rather than positive definite).

check_complete [Posdef]

Same as check but complete (returns true iff the input is positive definite).

check_itv [Posdef]

Takes as input a square interval matrix m of size nxn.

check_round [Sos.S]

TODO: doc (

choose [LinExpr.S]

Returns one of the (non zero) coefficients in the linear expression (if any).

compare [Scalar.M]
compare [Polynomial.S]
compare [Monomial]
compare [Ident]
compare [LinExpr.S]
compose [Sos.S]
compose [Polynomial.S]

compose p [q_1;...; q_n] returns the polynomial p' such that p'(x_1,..., x_m) = p(q_1(x_1,..., x_m),..., q_n(x_1,..., x_m)).

const [Sos.S]
const [Polynomial.S]

const c is equivalent to var ~c ~d:0 0.

const [Lmi.S]
const [LinExpr.S]

Same as LinExpr.S.of_list with an empty list.

create [Ident]

Create a new unique identificator.

default [Sos.S]

Default values above.

default [Sdpa]

Default values above.

default [Sdp]

Default values above.

default [Moseksdp]

Default values above.

default [Lmi.S]

Default values above.

default [Csdp]

Default values above.

degree [Sos.S]
degree [Polynomial.S]

-1 for the null polynomial.

degree [Monomial]
degree_list [Polynomial.S]

degree_list p returns a list of length nb_vars p with the maximal degree for each variable in p.

derive [Sos.S]
derive [Polynomial.S]

derive p i returns the derivative of the polynomial p with respect to variable i (indices starting from 0).

derive [Monomial]

derive m i returns j_i, x_0^{j_0} ... x_i^{j_i - 1} ... x_n^{j_n}) if the degree j_i of variable i is positive in the monomial m and 0, one otherwise.

div [Scalar.M]
div [Monomial]

div m1 m2 divides m1 by m2.

divide [Monomial]

divide m1 m2 returns true iff m1 divides m2 (i.e., when lcm m1 m2 = m2 or equivalently gcd m1 m2 = m1).

empty_values [Lmi.S]

empty_values () returns an empty map of values.

equal [Scalar.S]
eval [Polynomial.S]

eval p [x_1;...; x_n] returns p(x_1,..., x_n).

eye [Matrix.S]

eye n builds the identity matrix of size n (i.e., a square matrix of size n with coefficients (i, j) equal to Coeff.of_int O when i != j and Coeff.of_int 1 when i = j).

eye [Lmi.S]
filter [NewtonPolytope]

filter s p returns the list of the s_i in s such that 2s_i is in the convex hull of the p_1,..., p_n in p.

float_of_q [Utils]

float_of_q q returns a float closest to q.

fold [Polynomial.S]
gauss_split [Matrix.S]

gauss_split m for a matrix m of size l x c returns (n, m1, m2) where n is the rank of the input matrix (n <= l), m1 its row space, i.e., a matrix of size l' x c where l' <= l characterizing the same space as m but with no linear dependencies, and m2 a matrix of size l' x l mapping original dimensions in m to the ones of m1 (m1 = m2 x m).

gcd [Monomial]

gcd m1 m2 returns the Greatest Common Divisor of m1 and m2 (i.e., the minimum of degrees for each variable).

geq [Scalar.S]
gt [Scalar.S]
inv [Scalar.S]
is_const [Polynomial.S]

is_const p returns Some c if p is the constant polynomial c and None otherwise.

is_const [LinExpr.S]
is_homogeneous [Sos.S]
is_homogeneous [Polynomial.S]
is_monomial [Polynomial.S]

is_monomial p returns Some m if p is a monmial x_0^i_0 ...

is_success [SdpRet]

is_success t returns true if and only if t is Success or PartialSuccess.

is_symmetric [Matrix.S]
is_symmetric [Lmi.S]
is_var [Polynomial.S]

is_var p returns Some (c, d, i) if p is a polynomial of the form c xi^d and None otherwise.

is_var [Monomial]

is_var m returns Some (d, i) if m is the monomial xi^d and None otherwise.

is_var [LinExpr.S]
itv_float_of_q [Utils]

itv_float_of_q q returns two floats l, u such that, when q is Q.undef, l and u are both nan, otherwise l <= q <= u and there is no float (either normal or subnormal) such that l < f < u.

kron [Matrix.S]

kron n i j builds the square matrix of size n with all coefficients equal to zero (i.e., Coeff.of_int 0 except coefficients (i, j) which is one (i.e., Coeff.of_int 1).

kron [Lmi.S]
kron_sym [Matrix.S]

kron_sym n i j builds the square matrix of size n with all coefficients equal to zero (i.e., Coeff.of_int 0 except coefficients (i, j) and (j, i) which are one (i.e., Coeff.of_int 1).

kron_sym [Lmi.S]
lcm [Monomial]

lcm m1 m2 returns the Least Common Multiple of m1 and m2 (i.e., the maximum of degrees for each variable).

leq [Scalar.S]
lift_block [Matrix.S]

lift_block m i j k l returns a matrix of size i x j with zeros everywhere except starting from indices k x l where matrix m is copied.

lift_block [Lmi.S]
list_eq [Monomial]

list_eq n d provides the list of all monomials with n variables of degree equal d (for instance, list_eq 3 2 can return [x0^2; x0 x1; x0 x2; x1^2; x1 x2; x2^2]).

list_le [Monomial]

list_le n d provides the list of all monomials with n variables of degree less or equal d (for instance, list_le 3 2 can return [1; x0; x1; x2; x0^2; x0 x1; x0 x2; x1^2; x1 x2; x2^2]).

lt [Scalar.S]
make [Sos.S]

make s creates a new parametric variable named s.

map [Utils]

tail-recursive version of (implemented using List.rev_map and List.rev)

matrix_of_sparse [Sdp]
matrix_to_sparse [Sdp]
merge [Polynomial.S]
minus [Matrix.S]

Unary minus.

minus [Lmi.S]
minus_one [Scalar.S]
monomial [Sos.S]
monomial [Polynomial.S]

monomial m is equivalent to of_list [m,].

mult [Sos.S]
mult [Scalar.M]
mult [Polynomial.S]
mult [Monomial]

mult m1 m2 multiplies the two monomials m1 and m2.

mult [Matrix.S]

Matrix multiplication.

mult [Lmi.S]
mult_scalar [Sos.S]
mult_scalar [Polynomial.S]
mult_scalar [Matrix.S]

mult_scalar s m multiplies matrix m by scalar s.

mult_scalar [LinExpr.S]
nb_cols [Matrix.S]
nb_cols [Lmi.S]
nb_lines [Matrix.S]
nb_lines [Lmi.S]
nb_vars [Sos.S]
nb_vars [Polynomial.S]

nb_vars p returns the largest index (starting from 0) of a variable appearing in p plus one (0 if none).

nb_vars [Monomial]

nb_vars m returns the largest index (starting from 0) of a variable appearing in m plus one (0 if none).

neg [Scalar.S]
of_array_array [Matrix.S]

of_array_array a returns the matrix with lines corresponding to the elements of a.

of_float [Scalar.M]
of_int [Scalar.S]
of_list [Sos.S]
of_list [Polynomial.S]

of_list [(m_1, a_1);..; (m_n, a_n)] builds the polynomial a_1 m_1 + ...

of_list [Monomial]

of_list l produces the monomial corresponding to list l.

of_list [LinExpr.S]

of_list [(x_1, a_1);..; (x_n, a_n)] c builds the affine expression a_1 x_1 + ...

of_list_list [Matrix.S]

of_list_list l returns the matrix with lines corresponding to the elements of the list l.

of_q [Scalar.M]
one [Scalar.M]
one [Polynomial.S]
one [Monomial]

Equivalent to of_list [].

param_vars [Sos.S]

param_vars e returns the list of all parametric variables appearing in e.

pfeas_stop_crit [Sdp]

pfeas_stop_crit (b_1,..., b_m) returns eps used as primal feasibility error stopping criteria by solver solver on a problem with given b_i (i.e., if the solver successfully terminates, |tr(A_i X) - b_i| <= eps should hold for each constraint i).

power [Sos.S]
power [Polynomial.S]

power p n computes p^n, n must be non negative.

power [Matrix.S]

power m n computes m^n, n must be non negative.

power [Lmi.S]
pp [Sos.S]

Printer for polynomial expressions.

pp [SdpRet]
pp [Sdp]
pp [Scalar.M]
pp [Polynomial.S]
pp [Monomial]

Pretty printing.

pp [Matrix.S]
pp [Lmi.S]

Printer for LMI.

pp [Ident]
pp [LinExpr.S]
pp_array [Utils]
pp_block_diag [Sdp]
pp_bounds [Sdp]
pp_constr [Sdp]
pp_constr_ext [Sdp]
pp_constr_ext [PreSdp.S]
pp_constr_ext [Dualize.S]
pp_ext [Sdp]
pp_ext_sedumi [Sdp]
pp_ext_sparse [Sdp]
pp_ext_sparse [PreSdp.S]
pp_ext_sparse [Dualize.S]
pp_ext_sparse_sedumi [Sdp]
pp_list [Utils]
pp_matrix [Utils]
pp_matrix [Sdp]
pp_names [Sos.S]

See Monomial.pp_names for details about names.

pp_names [Polynomial.S]

See Monomial.pp for details about names.

pp_names [Monomial]

Pretty printing.

pp_obj [Sdp]
pp_obj_ext [Sdp]
pp_obj_ext [PreSdp.S]
pp_obj_ext [Dualize.S]
pp_sparse [Sdp]
pp_sparse_matrix [Sdp]
pp_values [Lmi.S]

Printer for environment values computed by solver.

pp_vector [Sdp]
profile [Utils]

profile f executes the function f and returns both its result and the execution time in second.

register_value [Lmi.S]

Register a scalar value in value environement

remove [LinExpr.S]
remove_0_row_cols [Matrix.S]

Returns the same matrix, without its rows and columns containing only 0.

replace [LinExpr.S]

compose le [v_1, l_1;...; v_n, l_n] replaces each variable v_i by l_i in l.

scalar [Sos.S]
scalar [Lmi.S]

scalar s returns Const (Mat.of_list_list [[s]]).

sdp_default [Sdp_default]
setround_tonearest [Utils]
sign [Scalar.S]

Returns -1, 0 or 1 when its argument is respectively < 0, 0 or > 0.

solve [Sos.S]

solve obj l tries to optimise the objective obj under the constraint that each polynomial expressions in l is SOS.

solve [Sdpa]

solve obj constraints solves the SDP problem: max{ tr(obj X) | tr(A_1 X) = a_1,..., tr(A_n X) = a_n, X psd } with [(A_1, a_1);...; (A_n, a_n)] the constraints list.

solve [Sdp]

Same as Sdp.solve_sparse with dense matrices as input.

solve [Moseksdp]

solve obj constraints solves the SDP problem: max{ tr(obj X) | tr(A_1 X) = a_1,..., tr(A_m X) = a_m, X psd } with [(A_1, a_1);...; (A_m, a_m)] the constraints list.

solve [Lmi.S]

solve obj l tries to optimise the objective obj under the constraint that each matrix expressions in l is positive semi-definite.

solve [Csdp]

solve ?verbose obj constraints solves the SDP problem: max{ tr(obj X) | tr(A_1 X) = a_1,..., tr(A_n X) = a_n, X psd } with [(A_1, a_1);...; (A_n, a_n)] the constraints list.

solve_ext [Sdp]

Same as Sdp.solve_ext_sparse with dense matrices as input.

solve_ext [Moseksdp]

solve obj constraints solves the SDP problem: max{ c^T x + tr(obj X) | b_1^- <= a_1^T x + tr(A_1 X) <= a_1^+,..., b_m^- <= a_m x + tr(A_m X) <= b_m^+, d_1^- <= x_1 <= d_1^+,..., d_n^- <= x_n <= d_n^+, X psd } with [(a_1, A_1, b_1^-, b_1^+);...; (a_m, A_m, b_m^-, b_m^+)] the constraints list and [(d_1^-, d_1^+),..., (d_n^-, d_n^+)] the bounds list (missing bounds are considered as (neg_infinity, infinity), bounds about variables x_i not appearing in the objective or constraints may be ignored).

solve_ext_sparse [Sdp]

solve_ext_sparse obj constraints bounds solves the SDP problem: max{ obj | constraints, bounds, X psd }.

solve_ext_sparse [PreSdp.S]

See Sdp.solve_ext_sparse for details.

solve_ext_sparse [Dualize.S]

See Sdp.solve_ext_sparse for details.

solve_ext_sparse_details [Dualize.S]
solve_sparse [Sdp]

solve_sparse obj constraints solves the SDP problem: max{ tr(obj X) | constraints, X psd }.

string_of_float_bin [Posdef]
sub [Sos.S]
sub [Scalar.M]
sub [Polynomial.S]
sub [Matrix.S]

Matrix subtraction.

sub [Lmi.S]
sub [LinExpr.S]
to_array_array [Matrix.S]

The returned array is a copy that can be freely modified by the user.

to_float [Scalar.M]
to_list [Sos.S]

Returns a list sorted in increasing order of without duplicates.

to_list [Polynomial.S]

Returns a list sorted in increasing order of without duplicates nor zeros.

to_list [Monomial]

The returned list contains only non negative values and its last element is non zero (or the list is empty).

to_list [LinExpr.S]

Returns a list sorted in increasing order of without duplicates nor zeros.

to_list_list [Matrix.S]
to_q [Scalar.M]
transpose [Matrix.S]

Matrix transposition.

transpose [Lmi.S]
value [Sos.S]

value e values returns the evaluation of polynomial expression e, replacing all Var by the correspoding value in values.

value [Lmi.S]

value e values returns the evaluation of matrix expression e, replacing all Var by the corresponding value in values.

value_mat [Lmi.S]

value_mat e values returns the evaluation of matrix expression e, replacing all Var by the correspoding value in values.

value_poly [Sos.S]

value_poly e values returns the evaluation of polynomial expression e, replacing all Var by the correspoding value in values.

var [Polynomial.S]

var ?c ?d i returns c xi^d, this is equivalent to of_list [c, Monomial.var ~d i].

var [Monomial]

var ?d i returns xi^d, this is equivalent to of_list [0;...; O; d] with i zeros.

var [Lmi.S]

var s n creates a new variable (Var v).

var [LinExpr.S]

Same as LinExpr.S.of_list with the list [ident,] and constant

var_var [Lmi.S]

TODO: renamed (to discuss: this breaks the interface)

zero [Scalar.M]
zero [Polynomial.S]
zeros [Matrix.S]

zeros n m builds a matrix of size n x m with all coefficients equal to Coeff.of_int O.

zeros [Lmi.S]